Best Of Vedic Fitness In Pune

Experience A Perfect Combination Of Vedic And New-Age Fitness Techniques

Health and Fitness are two different things, and both must combine for healthy living. Health defines a state where all systems of the body function efficiently, in short, absence of disease both mentally and physically whereas, Fitness is the ability to perform tasks and is very specific to goals, in short, a state or condition of being physically active

Vedic Fitness is founded to bring the old proven Vedic science along with Modern science to bring a new culture to the health and fitness industry. It has been seen we had great warriors who travelled, win big battles, Build forts on mountain tops. It can only happen when the person is mentally and physically fit. People used to live longer without any diseases. It is because they always had discipline, lifestyle, and Nutrition. The whole ecosystem was centred with Desi cows. The farming was done using Cow dung and Cow urine which used to give best in class manure and other  desi cows products like Milk, Curd, Butter Milk, and Ghee as part of their nutrition. Which is the best form complete nutrition. The science behind Indian cows is that the microbial formation of Indian cows and human body matches to a very significant extent. Ruminants consume plant fibre as their regular diet but lack the machinery for their digestion. For this reason, ruminants maintain a symbiotic relationship with microorganisms that are capable of producing enzymes to degrade plant polymers. And then when we consume dairy products these microbes also get transferred to humans which then helps in developing a good microbial status in the human body. Which then helps In good digestion helping in extracting the nutrition from food and a healthy body.

We at Vedic Fitness provide Health & Nutrition Consultation along with Resistance Training with Weights, CrossFit, Agility, Functional Training.

Our Mission

We are dedicated for creating a healthier society through ancient exercise and nutrition science of Bharat. We are determined to change perspective and bring cow products to become part of our daily life and eliminate dependency on modern supplements and medicines. To enhance positivity & wellbeing in individuals through Lifestyle Coaching.
To achieve this, we uniquely combine ancient Modern Fitness, Panchagavya and Ayurveda, well suited to the current needs and lifestyle of the modern times. A healthy and fit life is a right to everyone and we are committed to encourage our clients to achieve it making holistic & healthy lifestyle shift.

Our Vision

To ensure our people live and healthy and fit life. We are pitching to assist people by educating them on nutrition and fitness lifestyle from our ancient Indian culture. Along with it the importance of Indian Desi Cows in the life.
To achieve this we are working with our members to educate more about Indian desi cows their products (Milk, Buttermilk, Curd, Butter and Ghee) and their benefits, Life style changes according vedic culture and cultural diet to stabilise and balance the health of the masses. And working with the Gosevaks to increase the breeding in a right manner to increase the number of desi cows and give their share for effort conserving Indian desi cows.