1. Improves functioning of Hormonal system
  2. Ghee can be used for Nassya (Nasal Drops). This helps in eliminates all the respiratory tract diseases, stops virus and bacteria to enter inside the body, Improves respiration, eliminates headaches and improves concentration and also reduces swelling of the brain
  3. Excellent source of energy during aerobic activities. Like jogging, cycling and marathon run
  4.  Improves digestion and eliminates constipation
  5. Keeps heart and Brain healthy
  6. Source of  Vitamins E, D, K2 along with omega 3
  7. Slows down ageing and wrinkling process
  8. Decreases glycaemic index if taken with food
  9. Increases bone strength and lubricates joints
  10. Immune booster
  11. Eases pregnancy
  12. Increases intellect
  13. Balances Panch Mahabhuut

Available In

250 ml

500 ml

1000 ml